Trying to make positive changes in your life but not getting the results you want? Start increasing your manifesting power by shifting your vantage point beyond normal perceptual reality.
Limited or unlimited
Aligning with that part of you that knows no boundaries will allow you to tune in to a higher degree of manifesting. Imagine yourself as the petals of a flower folding and unfolding within the entirety of the blossoming universe. Physicist David Bohm calls this deeper level of reality the implicate order, enfolded within the explicate order, current reality.
What’s blocking you?
If you feel pressured to act or fearful about the future, you may be building anxiety and other negative emotions that limit your energy field and thus manifesting power. Whether you’re looking for a job, a relationship or a better lifestyle, the first opportunity that shows up, may not be the one that suits you. At times it may seem like you have to keep saying “no!” Creating what you want and deserve is a process of trial and error. Your divine Self will encourage you to be true to yourself. There is no circumventing the process of consciously examining and saying, “I want this, but I don’t want that.” Size up the energy quotient of the opportunity. Do you feel good about it? Is there potential for learning, growth, satisfaction and rewards? Or is your gut saying “no!”
Start manifesting from your higher power
Meditation is an effective tool for becoming aware of thoughts and energy blockages that may be holding you hostage. The process can help you let go of the mind’s resistance to what could be possible. At the point of your intention or zero point, an energy field or vortex is created that will act like a vacuum, sucking in whatever is of like vibration. And for this reason, your focus must be on what is wanted, not on current reality of your situation or what you think is possible.
Connect to your higher power
- Sit in a meditative posture, in a chair or cross-legged on the floor with a slight curve in your lower back, shoulders down and back, head aligned over your torso. Feel your body, observing your thoughts without judgment.
- Focus on a spot on a wall or the flickering light of a candle to center yourself. Gaze down at your nose to still your mind if you are restless. Listen to the sound of your out-breath.
- Imagine you are in a space of unlimited possibilities, the center point of all creation. This is not an exact location but a feeling or inner knowing.
- Allow your perspective to open like a flower. Become the flower. Feel the energy of expansion.
- Circulate the energy throughout your body, allowing stress to melt away.
- You have now shifted your perspective and can begin to set your intentions from a new vantage point.
Don’t give up
A daily meditation time can help. Along the way, continue to set and reset your intentions. Whatever your doubts, stick with the program. Mastery is achieved when you have a sense of inner knowing that what you want is not only possible, but achievable. Many people start off with hope and positive expectations. Then when things aren’t manifesting according to a preconceived timeline, frustration sets in. Dreams and plans are abandoned, when what one wants may be right around the corner.
Surrender to the process
Let go of your need to control the outcome, trusting the alchemical process of creation. And at the moment you truly let go, the rubber band effect takes effect. The action of releasing propels the opportunity, idea or form from the unified field into your reality field.
Acknowledge yourself
Acknowledging what you’ve created is the final step in the creation process. Don’t miss this step because if you don’t allow yourself to receive, you will not feel the benefits, such as satisfaction, joy or love. Acceptance is really saying thank you for participating in this creative process.