Ascension Survival Guide: Part 2

The Hawaiian Kahuna healers and other indigenous cultures believe in the power of the dream weaver. Consciousness does not only create reality but is the thread used to weave the web of reality fields.

The dream is not a dormant state of sleep but an act of conscious creation that literally has no bounds. To explore multidimensional realities is to become the dream weaver and find the energy cords or threads that connect reality fields. There are many ways to do this and now that gates and portals are opening, there is more opportunity to be conscious of your journeys to other planes. Just as you would follow certain rules of the road as a good driver, there are steps to take in accessing pathways of multidimensional travels. Always be clear, centered and grounded in your physical body. Clear yourself of all emotional disturbances by meditating and aligning with All That Is. Call all your energy bodies into alignment. Be in an enlightened state free of emotional and mental attachments.

Raising one’s frequency by meditation and alignment of energy bodies will make it easier to increase the pulsation rate of your Merkaba. When all bodies are aligned, it is easier to function on a multidimensional level. Multidimensional chakras are being activated, allowing you to become more aware of your extrasensory abilities.

You may have noticed that your dream body looks similar to your 3D body. During dreams, you may meet other aspects of yourself. (Note: There are different types and levels of dreaming. This information is not discounting the Jungian concept of anima/animus or a common psychological model that everyone featured in your dream is an aspect of you.) 

Remembering your dreams will help you bridge reality fields. The fields of consciousness flow from one to another. Your conscious mind is and has been restricted by limitations that you agreed to. As you meet the higher dimensional parts of self, you will be able to integrate an expansive dimension of Self not limited by the 3D matrix. If you are having a lot of dream activity or do not remember your experience when you wake up, this signifies that you are an active dreamer.

Having difficulty sleeping is often a sign that there are transitional changes taking place in your physical body, subconscious and conscious mind. A higher aspect, sometimes referred to as the “super-conscious,” is calling upon you to realize what thoughts, beliefs and perceptions need to be shifted, so you can come into alignment with your true destiny.